Chanakya Neeti by Radhakrishnan Pillai


It would not be possible for anyone to compile a list of the wisest people in the history of India without mentioning Chanakya Neeti, as Chanakya Neeti is considered to be the wisest man in Indian history who was an expert in politics and economics. He was also the chief adviser to Shah Chandra Gupta. Shah Chandra Gupta had gained a lot from the knowledge and wisdom of Chanakya Neeti. Today I will tell you the useful wisdom of Chanakya Neeti who was also known  Kotilia and Vishnu. In terms of references, the whole book named as Chanakya Neeti by Radhakrishnan Pillai is written in the form of small points, which were taught to the people by Chanakya Neeti. So let's start.

§  A crow can go and sit on a building as high as it wants, of course it can sit on top of a mountain, but it will never be called an eagle. In the same way, how great a man is, these things describe his inner qualities, not how high he is.

§  The fragrance of a flower spreads where the wind blows, but the goodness of a good man always spreads everywhere.

§  You can win a greedy man by giving money, you can win a proud man by false loyalty, you can win a foolish man by saying yes to him, but to win a scholar you just tell the truth.

§  Just as a drunkard does not distinguish between good and evil, so a man's desires and selfish motives do not teach him the difference between good and evil.

§  It is better to have no friends, wife and students in your life than to have bad friends, wives and bad students in your life, because these people will make your life worse instead of better.

§  If you have lost business or are in trouble for some reason, do not say such things to others. A person should not tell others about his personal problems and bad events in his life, because people can take advantage of your difficulties by making them your weakness and make fun of you.

§  It's good to be ashamed of yourself on three occasions in life, the first when you have to learn something, the second when doing business and the third when eating out.

§  A snake that does not contain venom should also appear as a venomous snake. Chanakya Neti wants to make it clear that only you, not your enemies, should know about your weaknesses. That's why in many places you can take advantage just by pretending to be strong.

§  One should not live in a place where people are not afraid of the law, where everyone is shameless or where there are no sensible people, where no one gives charity and where there is no respect for art.

§  When you start doing something, never leave it unfinished for fear of it because only those who do their work sincerely lead a quiet life.

§  Just as it is important for human beings to keep their eyes open and get clean water, so it is very important for us to know the good and bad consequences of all these things before we say or do anything wise.

§  Poverty can be tolerated with patience, even simple clothes look good if they are clean and well dressed, food can be eaten hot and fresh even if it is not so delicious, like a person Good character is very important whether he/she is physically beautiful or not, it does not matter.

§  Just as it is not good to live in a house full of poisonous snakes, it is not good to live with a low-spirited and angry wife, similarly it is not good to live with cheating friends and with a servant who speaks rudely.

§  Chanakya Neeti says that money is a very valuable thing that every human being should have because money gives us dignity, gives us strength and gives us courage to fight against bad times.

§  The person who helps you during an illness or accident is your true sympathizer.

§  A person who does not set goals for his life is never capable of achieving great things.

§  Just as a diamond looks more beautiful when paired with a necklace, so a person's good qualities make him or her seemingly good.

§  Mostly people ruined their lives among them are: The person who spends more than his earnings and status without any plan, the person who angers a strong man by himself and the person who has relationships with different types of women.

§  If a person wants to get something done by another person, he should say the same thing that makes the other person feel good.

§  A man should always be happy with his wife and his money but a man should never consider his knowledge and charity enough.

§  It is better to stay 5 hands away from the donkey cart. It is better to stay 10 hands away from the horse. It is good to stay 100 hands away from an elephant, but you will not find a place in the whole country to escape from the devil.

§  Just as the fragrance of a flower can be found in the soil around it but the smell of dirt is not found in that flower, so a good person can put all his virtues in a bad person, he can put a bad person in a good person, but no matter how hard a bad man tries, his bad habits cannot go to a good man.

§  The power of a scholar lies in his knowledge. The king's power is in his army. The power of the merchant is in his money and the power of the slave is in his service. By saying all this, Chanakya Neeti is trying to convince us that we must understand our power and use it to move forward in life.

§  Just as rainwater is clearer than any water, so the power of emotion is more powerful than any other force.

§  Everyone likes people who speak politely and most importantly, it doesn't cost any money to speak politely.

§  Love is the greatest and strongest relationship and it has a profound effect on human life. For example, a termite has enough power to make a huge hole in any wood, but when the same bee gets caught in a lunar eclipse of a flower, it does not pull itself out because it does want to not hurt the flower while it knows that it is very easy for it to get out.

§  He who considers other women as his mother or sister and he who is not jealous of the wealth of others and who understands the hearts of the people knows the reality of life and is on the path to success.

§  Home is where children obey adults, where there are hardworking people living at home who earn money with hard work and honesty that all their needs are met, where there is plenty of food. A home whose servants are faithful and where guests are always welcomed with a sincere heart is a place where Allah Almighty is very gracious.

§  One should never be afraid of one's future and never regret thinking about one's past, but one should always pay attention to one's situation and live happily because that is what brightens one's future.

§  Anger is like death, revenge is like a stream full of pain, knowledge can give a person what he wants and being happy with his life is a great blessing.

§  The nature of great people is very special, that is, whenever they achieve something in life, such as a goal, money or any success, they are not as proud as ordinary people, but they are more humble than before.

§  There are two ways to deal with devils and thorns. The first way is to crush them and the second way is to stay away from them.

§  A person who does not open his mouth all year round except for food gets thousands of years of peace in a year. This means that a person's silence is a very powerful thing and talking too much can cause a lot of trouble.

§  Just as the largest jug can be filled with small drops of water, so too with a small amount of money can increase our wealth immensely.

§  It is not okay to use a stick on a child until he is six years old, then you can use it for the next ten years but then it is better to treat your child like a friend.

§  The sunken money can be regained, the lost friends can be rebuilt, even the wife can be brought back, but nothing can be brought back if the human body is gone. That is why man should take special care of his health.

§  The greatest happiness in a man's life will be when his children are obedient and his wife is obedient and whatever he has if he is happy with it.

§  Just as a mirror does not benefit a blind person, so knowledge of books does not help a person who does not have intellect.

§  Most of the time poverty, diseases, sorrows, worries and imprisonment are nothing but the fruits of the tree that grows from our own mistakes, whether you believe it or not.

§  If you want to know how good an employee is, test him when he is not on the job, that is, when he is on leave. In the same way, try a relative in trouble, a friend in difficulty, and a wife when you run out of money.

§  You should avoid having relationships with people who admire you in front of you but really want to see you ruined, the example of those people is like poison in a glass that is covered with milk from above.

§  You have to learn one thing from a lion, one thing from a deer, four things from a rooster, five things from a crow, four things from a dog and three things from a donkey. You should learn from the lion that whatever you do, do it from the heart and work hard. In the same way, a wise person should control his emotions like a deer. Getting up at the right time, standing up for yourself with courage and fighting, sharing things in your relationship in the right way and earning a living through hard work are the four things we should learn from the rooster. Spending time alone with the family, being very enthusiastic, taking care of the workplace, keeping an eye on the things around you, not trusting anyone easily are the five things you should learn from the crow. The four things we want to learn from a dog are to be satisfied even after eating little or nothing, to wake up from a deep sleep when needed, to always respect our masters, to love them, to always be brave. Carrying your load even when you are tired, enduring the heat and cold around you and always being content are the three things we should learn from the donkey.

§  Don't spend a day in which you don't give alms, in which you don't do any good deeds and in which you don't learn anything even if it is just a sentence or a word.

§  A wise and prudent person should never go to a country where he cannot fulfill his needs by doing any work, where people have no meaning from anyone, where no one is ashamed, where wise people do not live. And where charity is not given.

§  One person can be sacrificed to save an entire family, one family can be sacrificed to save a village, one village can be sacrificed to save a country and the whole country can be sacrificed to save oneself.

§  As long as your body is healthy and strong, try to save your soul because when death is certain to come, what can you do better than that?

§  Gaining knowledge and learning is like a cow that milks all year round, like a mother who takes care of you all her life, so learning all the time is a greatest hidden treasure.

§  A single man who has many qualities is better than a thousand people who do not have any quality. Be like a moon that removes most of the darkness of the night, while millions of stars together can't produce light.

§  Giving alms alleviates poverty, speaking in a good manner saves us from any trouble, speaking and learning in a good and correct way eliminates ignorance and constant observation about ourselves removes our fear.

§  There is no water like rain water, no power like one's own power, no light is like light of eyes and no wealth is as valuable as grain.

§  Even if you cut the rose flower, its fragrance does not disappear, the elephant grows old but still its strength does not disappear, grind sugarcane inside the mill but still its sweetness does not disappear, the same a good man, no matter how much trouble he has, his good qualities never end.

§  A person who has wealth, friends and relationships is the only one who lives a very good life and is respected by all.

§  Just as an army will perish if it has no leader, so knowledge will perish if it is not used, just as a human being perishes if he remains immersed in ignorance for a lifetime.

§  A person who experiences these three things in life is very unfortunate, firstly a person who loses his wife in old age, secondly a person whose wealth falls into the hands of someone else and thirdly a man who eats his own food depends on someone else to drink.

§  People always respect the knowledgeable and wise man because he always teaches people with his knowledge and wisdom.

§  A person who is not afraid of his anger, who is of no use to others despite being happy, is a person who can neither control anything nor save anything. In fact, what this person can do is a big question.

§  Living in a forest full of lions and elephants, where you get fruit from trees and water from ponds, is better than living in a forest with your relatives in poverty.

§  A big elephant can be controlled with a small stick, but is this stick bigger than an elephant? A small candle dispels a darkness, but is a candle bigger than darkness? Lightning can break a huge mountain, but is lightning bigger than a mountain? So, the answer to all these things is, no, because the truth is that it doesn't matter how big you are, it does matter how much power you have, that's why you should try to be as powerful as possible in every way.

§  No matter how much you wash a crow, it will never turn white, no matter how much you burn a pot of wine, it will never be clean. Similarly, if the brain is dirty, even if you take a bath hundred times, it will not be cleaned.

§  People who are always selfless with their relatives, treat strangers well, love the little ones and respect the elders, fight bravely in the face of enemies and be faithful to their wives. Such people live happily ever after.

§  One day our body will perish, our wealth will perish and death is always around us, so we should do as many good deeds as possible.

§  Crazy people consider some stones to be very precious while the three real things in this world are food, water and good things.

§  If a person feels the same way after every repentance as he felt before repentance, then who is the person who cannot become perfect?

§  We should always be careful about these six things: fire, water, women, a foolish man, a poisonous snake, and finally a man who is very powerful in terms of wealth or position. Like kings or today's politicians and big business people because these people can ruin our lives in a single moment if they want to.

§  Improperly earned wealth can stay with you for ten years but remember that in the next year or sometime it will definitely get out of your hands and at the same time it will also take away your good wealth.

§  A person who will acquire only theoretical knowledge and will never acquire practical knowledge and a person whose wealth will be in the hands of someone else, such a person will not be able to use both his knowledge and wealth when the time comes.

§  If someone treats us well we should treat them very well but if someone treats us badly we should treat them badly in the same language.

§  Things that seem out of our reach that we find impossible to achieve can also be achieved by a person if he works hard because hard work can change everything.

§  Just as the leaves of the small grass together do not allow the soil to flow in the rain water, so together we can face the biggest problem in the world.

§  Knowledge is man's best friend, the man who acquires knowledge is highly esteemed. Knowledge defeats any beauty and youth, so always learn in life.

§  It is not necessary to put your hand in the fire to know that either it burns or not. Similarly, we should learn from the mistakes of others because our lives are not long enough for us to learn from our own mistakes. Here Channakya Neti is trying to convince us that it is better for us to learn from other people's mistakes in this short life so that we can face the least difficulties and move forward in life very fast and be successful.

At the end Chanakya Neeti proposed some questions for his readers.

Have you ever seen a family that has never seen pain?

Has anyone ever seen someone who has never been sick?

Have you ever seen a person who has never been sad in his whole life and has only seen happiness in his whole life?

You see, it is natural to face difficulties and troubles in life, so you should always admit it and move forward with full courage and happiness.

And the last thing Chanakya Neti says is that time makes people strong or destroys them. Now it's up to you whether you want to be strong or you want to be destroyed.

I have told you all these things in the form of a summary of a book called:

Chanakya Neeti by Radhakrishnan Pillai

This is one of the books I really like and trying to promote, so if you like this book then you should definitely buy it and read the whole book because the benefit of reading a complete book is unimaginable.
