Corporate Guru Dhirubhai Ambani by Prateeksha M. Tiwari


If someone says, "Brother, I don't like reading much, but I want to make a lot of money." I don't know what to do, so I'm thinking of starting a business. So most people will say to this person, well you have to start a business, you have to be a big business man. People will also tell him to dream less and get a good job after getting a good education, because not everyone can become a brother Ambani. Now, if Dhirubhai Ambani had also obeyed the people, I would not be writing a summary of this book on Dhirubhai Ambani today. Because the fact is that Dhirubhai Ambani was also a simple boy like you and me. Although he never completed his college education, he became one of the richest and most famous people in India. His company became the first Indian company to join the world's 500 largest and most successful companies. Dhirubhai Ambani had built a 75 billion commercial empire in his lifetime and he did all this in just 25 years. Now instead of being jealous of these things, you should think about how they did it all. How did Dhirubhai Ambani start such a big empire starting from a small house? However, what were the business principles according to which Dhirubhai Ambani achieved such great success? Now some negative people who will do ten wrong things in one day will think that what to think brother, what would be the second number of things. So I want to tell such people that if you think negative, you will find something negative in everyone. But if you focus on the positive, you will learn a lot from the good in people and move on. Therefore, one should always be positive and learn from the biographies of successful people because this thing takes a person to the heights of progress. So today I am going to tell you five of the most important of the many principles that Dhirubhai Ambani followed them as a religion and achieved such great success. So let's get start.

Lesson no. 01, (Dream big but start small)

Dhirubhai Ambani was the son of a school teacher, but like most children, he did not like to read. That didn't mean he didn't want to do anything in life. In fact, he once told his mother that he would make a lot of money in one day. There was nothing lacking in his house but still there was often a lack of money and this thing was not liked by him. So he always thought of making money. He once bought a can of oil from a shop near his home and then sat down and sold it. He brought the profit to his mother. He learned the importance of doing business in his childhood. Then, at the age of 17, he had the opportunity to move to Yemen, hoping to make more money. In Yemen, he worked at a gas station and some say he also worked as a clerk. And he did it for many years, earning a good income. But then the situation was such that he had to return to India. It was a turning point in his life. Because now he was thinking of fulfilling his big dreams which he used to see in his childhood. Now from this story you should also learn that man should dream big but start from small. Mostly people are of two types. People who never think big in life just go through life, that is, their only goal is to get a good education, get a good job, and live a normal life. On the other hand, there are some people who have big dreams. As they think I will do this, I will do that, I will do everything. But in reality they never do anything because their dreams of life are very unrealistic. Instead, you should be like Dhirubhai Ambani, that is, think big in your life and think as big as you can, but you should start from small things in life. You should try to achieve small goals in life first. Don't try to become a billionaire at the beginning of your business life but try to make a small profit by starting a small business in the beginning. Because once you learn how to make money on a small scale, it will be easier for you to make more money.



Lesson no. 02, (Provide more focus on skills instead of getting degrees)

Dhirubhai Ambani did not go to college or get any degree in business but he still became a billionaire because he understood the importance of skills more than education. The fact that he could not complete his education did not mean that he was not learning anything, but while he was working in Yemen, he took a job elsewhere and prepared accounting, bookkeeping, shipping paperwork. Now due to all of these work, his communication skills had greatly improved and this has greatly benefited him in his business. No one becomes rich just by getting a business degree or just by thinking, but he has to gain a good deal of experiences before starting a business and over time we have to improve our business skills more and more. We should continue to build until we become market leaders in business skills, which means that no matter what business you do, you should work hard so that there should be no one better than you. This will make it easier for you to grow your business.

Lesson no. 03, (Quality rules)

You will find a lot of people who say that Dhirubhai Ambani succeeded in business just by doing wrong, but they do not think that he achieved this by providing a good quality of his products, because he always paid more attention to quality. When he returned from Yemen, he had only five hundred rupees. Now, with so little money, he started a business selling spices and he could have sold low quality spices to make as much money as other people, but he did not. From the very beginning of his business, his aim was to sell more products, no matter how small the benefits, and with this policy he started selling his spices in India as well as in the Gulf countries. Everyone used to buy spices from him because his quality was excellent. Later, when he moved from the spice business to the yarn business, he still focused on quality and developed the Wemel brand, which became a very popular brand in a very short time. Later, when he set up his mill in Ahmedabad, he still used the best machines of the world to deliver the best quality products. In view of his high standard, the World Bank also awarded him a Certificate of Excellence, which was at the level of developed countries, while India was one of the developing countries at that time. Most people try to get a big degree in engineering, medicine or any good field in any way, so that they can get a good job and do not accumulate courage to initiate the business. Now the People who do the business try their best to make money fast and never focus on improving their skills or improving the quality of their products, but this way of doing business is very wrong. In today's society you can see that not only degree is important but also skill, so if you want to be successful in your business then you must also have your business skills and also need high quality products in business, then you will be able to become a rich man like Dhirubhai Ambani, because once you can make fool others by providing low quality products but you will not be able to do it again and again. This will damage your reputation in the market and you will drown in the business, as is the case with most people.

Lesson no. 04, (Overcoming anxiety)

When Dhirubhai Ambani was going to open his own garment factory, he faced many difficulties, such as his partnership broke down in 1965 and then he opened a garment factory alone, after which he had to find solutions. He used to travel from Mumbai to Ahmedabad every week. Then in 1966, the rupee depreciated sharply, which further increased his business expenses, but he did not give up and started a garment factory. Now clothes were being made but no wholesaler was buying clothes from him, because those who were already doing this business and were very successful in this business forbade the wholesalers to buy clothes of Dhirubhai Ambani. They told the wholesalers that the quality of Dhirubhai Ambani clothes is not good. Now this was a big problem for him, but still he did not give up and did not fear the power of these businessmen, but found a solution to this problem. He thought that now he would go to the wholesalers to sell his clothes, so he went to the wholesalers himself to sell his clothes. Now that the quality of these clothes were very high, all the wholesalers started liking his clothes and in a short time the name of Wemel brand came up. In the same way, he always fought problems and did not give up in any situation. Once Dhirubhai Ambani and his company faced the problem of floods, once from an earthquake, once everything was going well in Jamnagar when suddenly a great storm came and he had to close his factory. Even then, Dhirubhai Ambani bravely faced this problem, and where the experts were saying that now it would take him three months to finish his work, he completed the same work in just three weeks. Not only that, but he also suffered a stroke in 1986, but he overcame this problem and made his company Reliance the largest company in India. Now the point of all this is that most people give up their business because of just a few troubles in life, for them to fight disasters like storms and earthquakes is a long way off, these people get frustrated and close their business, but Dhirubhai Ambani was not like that and you shouldn't also be like that. No matter how many major problems you face in life, you should always remember your goals and achieve them.

Lesson no. 05, (Dream big and move fast)

Dhru Bhai was making a profit in the business of selling spices but still he got into the business of clothes because he thought big, thought fast and understood the future. When he saw a high profit in the textile business at that time, he entered the textile business, then after succeeding in it, he started moving to the petrochemical business. Not only did Dhru Bhai settle there, but after that he started a communications business and started Reliance Gas, etc. He also established successful businesses in many fields, where even today people think that why should I give a part of my business to someone? Because I have worked hard and I invested all the money in the beginning. For example, in 1977, you started your first IPO in India because you knew you couldn't start a big business with your money, so you started selling shares of your business. While you were doing this, 58,000 investors came to buy shares of your company, which were a huge record at the time. The result was that Reliance at one time accounted for 3% of India's GDP. At the same time, 5% of India's exports and 10% of India's indirect revenue came from Reliance alone. You see, it often happens that you think of an idea about a business but never take any action and then after a while you see that someone else has become very successful by acting on your own idea. This is because most people are very slow in thinking and acting. So you should never be such a person. You should think big, think faster and think about the future. If you want to be a rich man like Dhru Bhai, always remember Dhru Bhai's saying, "The man who can dream is all dreams." Can also be true."

I have told you all these things in the form of a summary of a book called:

Corporate Guru Dhirubhai Ambani by Prateeksha M. Tiwari

This is one of the books I really like and trying to promote, so if you like this book then you should definitely buy it and read the whole book because the benefit of reading a complete book is unimaginable.
