Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson


You all know that Apple is the richest company in the world, infact Apple is one of the ten richest companies in the world with a total assets of 250 billion, and the biggest credit for it goes to Steve Jobs. He is still and will remain one of the most inspiring people till the end of this world, from whose fascinating lives we can learn a lot. Today I will tell you seven important lessons from the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson that were the real reason for such revolutionary success for Steve Jobs. So let's get started.

Lesson no. 01, (Feeling special)

Steve Jobs' childhood was interesting because he had not one but two parents. Steve Jobs' real father's name was Abdul Fattah Jandali and his mother's name was Jonas Shebel. The story is that Abdul Fattah Jundali and Jonas Shebel were two graduate students who loved each other, so when Jonas Shebel went to live with Abdul Fattah Jundali, they found out that she was pregnant. Now Jonas Shebel belonged to a strict Christian family and Abdul Fattah Jandali was a devout Muslim, so Jonas Shebel's family explicitly refused to marry, and somewhere along the way, they themselves were not yet ready for marriage. That's why they gave their child for adoption. When they were giving their child to another family, their only wish was to have their child adopted by an educated family, but then the situation became such that the child was adopted by a couple, which was illiterate. Among those who adopted their children were a woman named Clara, an accountant, and a man named Paul Jobs, a post guard and a mechanic, both were illiterate, but after much debate they adopted the child. They promised to give the child a good education and send him to school, college and university. They then named the child Steven Paul Jobs, and when Steve Jobs was six years old, a girl in the neighborhood sarcastically told him he was an adopted child. Then he came crying to his parents who accepted this fact, and at the same time they told their son that you are a special child and we have chosen you for ourselves and you are really very special. It was told to Steve Jobs by his parents that you are a very very special child and then Steve Jobs began to realize that yes he is a very special child. That's the key to Steve Jobs' success. Most people think of themselves as ordinary people and that is why they think of doing ordinary things in their lives, but sometimes it is very important to think of ourselves as special because it gives us the confidence to do amazing things. So you should also consider yourself special and keep making your children feel that they are very special but logically.

Lesson no. 02, (Keeping the quality of outside and inside the same)

Steve's other father, with whom he grew up, was a very good craftsman and mechanic, so he also spent most of his time making things in the garage, so Steve Jobs spent most of his time in the garage with his father. Passed Steve's father made a workbench for Steve on which he could prepare everything he wanted. In fact, it was here that Steve's curiosity about making different things began to grow. Steve began to understand how things are made and he learned many life lessons from his father, one of which he never forgot, the lesson that a true craftsman should not focus only on the things that are visible but also to the things that are not visible. For example, whenever Steve's fathers made wardrobes, he always told Steve to work as hard on the back of the closet as we do on the front of the closet. Steve's father also taught him a lot about car design and lines, that’s the reason how Steve became very good at designing. Once Steve was working on his Mac product at Apple, he approached people who specifically designed circuit boards and asked him why circuit boards didn't look good and why the details were not good. At the time, the designers said, what difference does it make because consumers don't have to look inside the circuit board to know what it looks like? At that time, Steve told the designers what his father used to say, that because the part of the closet is attached to the wall and it is not visible, it does not mean that a craftsman will put bad wood there, but the honesty is that our product should be beautiful and refined inside as well from outside. This is the thought that made all Apple products so beautiful that the whole world became addicted to them. Unfortunately, people only pay attention to what is visible, whether it is their product or their character, but if you want to do something big in life, you have to pay attention both internally and externally.

Lesson no. 03, (Inspiring good things to make them a part of your life)

Steve has been a person in his life who was immediately influenced by teachers and many others, so much that he started doing things like them, for example when Steve was first in Mountain View where Most of the houses were built by Joseph Eckler. All these houses were very cheap, easy and very beautiful because Joseph Eckler thought that everyone deserved a better house. That's why many say it was Joseph Eckler who inspired Steve to create a beautiful, smart, and easy-to-use computer that the average person can also buy and use. Now if you're wondering what Apple makes that everyone can use, then the point is that when Apple's Lisa project was about to begin, those computers were very expensive and were being merely for business people. , But Steve didn't want that, he wanted to make a cheap and high-performance Lisa computer so that more people could easily buy and use then due to this he was removed from his own project, then he did it later. In the same way, Steve was influenced by many people and followed the lessons learned from them in his life therefore by adopting this habit you will reach the milestone of development in a very short time.

Lesson no. 04, (Good artists copy and great artists steal)

The early computer had a black screen with deep green dots, but then the research team of the Xerox PARC company, which was very successful in making photocopies, built a personal computer which included a graphical user interface, mice, Windows, icons, removable data storage, networking, and countless new inventions. When Steve found out about all of this, he offered Xerox PARC, which said that if Xerox PARC showed him all of his technology and explained it in detail, he would allow to buy one hundred thousand shares of Apple for one million dollar. Now some greedy people sitting in Xerox Company liked this offer very much and that is why they accepted this offer, but in fact it proved to be a revolutionary opportunity for Apple, because after that Apple Company further improved the Xerox PARC technology and used it in products such as Lisa and Macintosh and dominated the entire market. In an interview at the time, Steve said that in order to do great work, we need all the great ideas that humanity has invented and acquired. If we use good ideas, we can really move very fast. So if you want to be a great person too, be shameless and legally copy the big ideas and finally, invent something that benefits the whole of humanity.

Lesson no. 05, (Distorted reality)

Everyone who spends a lot of time with Steve Jobs says that Steve Jobs often lived in an imaginary world. This means that he often did not pay much attention to facts and figures and just tried to make things the way he wanted to, but he also did things to a very wrong extent. As he often did not consider his daughter as his daughter, he did not admit that he had cancer. But this often led to unrealistic results, for example, once he asked an employee to complete a project, and he gave him a very short time, because Xerox researchers had already completed it. Taking it as a challenge, the employee woke up day and night, finished work on time, but later the employee found out no one in the world had made that, what he had done. I know it's a little weird but you can use it in your life too, because we have the ability to do a lot of things but we never believe we can do it all and that's why we can't get it. So by using this lesson logically, you too can benefit a lot in your life, and it will boost your self-esteem over time.


Lesson no. 06, (Growing up in a good environment)

I told you at the beginning of the story that Steve Jobs' father always encouraged him to make new things, but that was not all. Steve Jobs began living in Mountain View, the heart of the Silicon Valley Revolution, when he was just five years old. It was a place where most of the engineers, video game creators, microchip makers, computer makers and business people lived. So many electronics people were friends with Steve Jobs. One of the creators was a special man, Larry, who impressed Steve from an early age. Larry worked as a radio operator for HP and taught Steve many electronic things. It was Larry who taught Steve that he could make his own electronic products, which gave him a lot of confidence. Living in such a full-fledged environment, Steve's mindset became creative and that's why he was so successful. Most people only grow up in an environment where they are only taught to be consumers. In contrast, Steve grew up in an environment where he was always taught how to create new things. So you should also try your best to spend your life with successful and creative people or at least have a good relationship with them because this thing has greatly increased your chances of success.

Lesson no. 07, (be aware of new technology all the time)

Steve Jobs was always think about future, what kind of product would be successful in the future and which product would not be successful. When he found out about computers, he saw a future that was full of computers, then when he saw the invention of Xerox Company, he went crazy with joy because he still saw a future in which a computer exists. It was full of all these technologies, even the Xerox Company did not know its capabilities as much as Steve had guessed. That is why they dominated the market day and night with all their might. Similarly, if you want to do something good in life like Steve Jobs, you have to understand the things that can be successful in the future. Now if you say how can he know about the things that will succeed in the future, the easiest way is to just stay connected with the latest technology, that is, what technology is succeeding today? There is a need to keep an eye on what is going on and how far it can be used in the future. In the same way, the more you learn about technology, the more you will understand what can be successful. In other words you must should have a deep knowledge about the latest technology related to your business and this last lesson will be very useful for you in your business life.

I have told you all these things in the form of a summary of a book called:

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

This is one of the books I really like and trying to promote, so if you like this book then you should definitely buy it and read the whole book because the benefit of reading a complete book is unimaginable.
